Friday, April 14, 2017


Emanuele Braga:
hi to all
this is some info asking your a support for macao...
Dear ...,
we are writing to you because you have had the chance to be involved with Macao betweeen 2012 and 2017.
If the news has already reached you, please bear with us.
Otherwise, you might be interested to know that Macao, the New Center for Arts, Culture and Research in Milan ( is currently under threat of eviction.

In this email we kindly ask you to show your support in every possible way you can. As you understand, it is a crucial moment for Macao:
it will be important for us to show to the city government an international support for what Macao is- from cultural institutions, art institutions, academies, universities, autonomous/international artists, groups, and curators from all over the globe.
Therefore we kindly ask for your participation, support, and visibility for our project. This will imply that your name and affiliation will be published on a list of supporters on our website. You can find here a kit in order to help you to spread the message:
    - instruction to add a ribbon to your website
    - some pics of the communication campaign
Along with this, feel free to share the news among your networks through all means of communication using #loveandbordello hashtag, or through your live events.

Ah, and we are creating an association that will be the legal tool to buy Macao. You are welcome to join it to show your support, even if you're not an Italian citizen, there's a form you can fill out and share at this address:

Provided links:

Link to press in English:

If you want to know more about Macao you can read about it here:

Macao is an independent center for art, culture and research. Avoiding the creative industry paradigm, and trying to innovate the old idea of cultural institutions, we started to consider art production as a viable process for rethinking social change, elaborating independent political critique, and as a space for innovative governance and production models. Our research concerns the labour conditions in the creative industry and cultural sector, the right to the city and new forms of organization and technological solutions for cultural production. Macao is currently based in a former slaughterhouse in the middle of a huge abandoned area not so far from the center of the city; it has a cross-sectorial program hosting performing arts, cinema, visualarts, design, photography, literature, newmedia, hacking and the meetings of citizens committees. It is coordinated by an open assembly of artists and activists.

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