Saturday, March 18, 2017

' Capitalistic home'

My sculpture ' capitalistic home', is not going very well, but I will not give it up, I will persist with patience until it gets somewhere. If I try to stabilize it more it will become a solid sculpture but it will gain weight . So it will loose its ability to fly which it still has now. But it cannot stay as it is cause the way it is going, it will soon be ' gone with the wind'. Yet if it is going to be a 'capitalist home',maybe it is meant to wither away the way it is, since we are now passing to a post capitalistic era as someone mentioned some days ago. So the capital's ways are proving invalid, bubbles that keep popping into nothing?,hopefully yes,unfortunately for 'my piece of art'. So, back to the sculptor's endeavors, I still have some ideas how to solidify it but still maintain its perishlike character. Let's see!

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