Wednesday, October 26, 2016

debate over paperwear

I will try to support the idea of paper wear. 1. Someone would be given the opportunity to find oneself naked in the middle of anywhere if something went wrong with his or her paper cloths. That presents a challenge. from my point of view 2. we would enter a new era in clothing. Enough of the stretchy and comfortable outfits and welcome the posture attitude. One would have to be extra cautious if you wanted to return home in one piece. ( clothwise). 3. lovers would enjoy the expression of their passion by tearing off each other's cloths, since that wouldn't be such a big deal. (I ll b uy you another magazine darling to make your tomorrow's dress ). 4. housewives wouldn't have messy cloths thrown on the floor, just paper, which sounds more innocent and accepting as positioned there. Some papers on the floor, eh, who cares!.. 5. ok, and now my strongest argument: if you ever find yourself in an emergency situation and there is no toilet paper around,.... you know what to do! A piece of cloth less won't hurt, besides will make you a lot sexier,!? --.. no? ok, Ok, I''ve gone too far. 6. with the cost of a magazine and a newspaper (less than ten euros), you would get fully dressed and also refreshed! So, I am conveinced!! I will try it.... ""? -£₩%}÷₩÷¤÷♡£×☆€ sorry, I m just gaming.

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