Wednesday, January 25, 2017

An ad concerning the new fashion magazine 'As If''.

First I have to explain briefly the nature of the first issue of the magazine.
It is about paper wearable costumes,  tailor made especially for each of you. The costume is based on a wish you have for a specific item (like  a refrigerator or a special jacuzzi bath), or an action you wish to make (like a trip for example, hijacking will be difficult to support).
We enlarge photos of what you wish for and add adequate printing  money.
So that will be the material your costume will be made off.
Then you model wearing your costume for the magazine 'As If''.!
Needless to think much about it , just email me .
I am looking forward to meeting my models,
☆☆☆☆any shape and size of person you are , is more than welcome☆☆☆☆☆

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